Software Development
Building Web Services with Flask-RESTful
Final Exam: Building Restful Web Services with Python
Flask-RESTful: Getting Started with Flask-RESTful to Build APIs
Flask-RESTful: Integrating the API Server with a MySQL Database
Flask-RESTful: Parsing & Validating Input Requests

Final Exam: Building Restful Web Services with Python

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Final Exam: Building Restful Web Services with Python

  • add a middleware layer into your app to verify authorization information in HTTP request headers
  • build an API to return images in response to a GET request
  • classify the purpose of the various built-in applications in Django
  • configure a Flask-RESTful request parser to parse arguments from different locations
  • configure required parameters using the Flask-RESTful request parser
  • create a basic REST API to return JSON data
  • create a custom class that takes in an ID for a model instance and returns details of that instance
  • create an OpenAPIHandler instance which dynamically generates documentation for your Molten application
  • create a REST API with a route that responds to GET requests
  • create a superuser for your Django project and sign in to the Django user administration app
  • create a virtual environment from which Molten REST APIs can be run and install various libraries such as Molten, Pytest, and JQ
  • create custom error messages for specific error handling using MySQL Database and Flask-RESTful
  • create several child Django templates which inherit from a parent template
  • create the view and template for a basic logout page for the logged in users of your website
  • define a Django model and create a migration script for that model
  • define a middleware layer which distinguishes between requests when checking for authorization
  • define a view and a URL pattern in Django in order to render text in a web page
  • define a view which renders an HTML file in its response
  • define the settings for your app by loading a dictionary into the Molten SettingsComponent
  • develop a basic Molten app with a single route that takes in a query parameter with a QueryParam instance and returns a value based on that parameter
  • develop a URL pattern for two different but related apps in a Django project
  • develop inherited Django templates for a website
  • develop some basic tests to verify the behavior of your Molten application
  • generate a new Django project and explore the built-in Django admin app
  • identify important Django components that receive and process user requests
  • identify the building blocks that Django provides to develop web applications
  • identify the location of stored media in your Django project directory
  • identify the purpose of the various built-in applications in Django
  • implement methods to respond to GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE HTTP requests using the Flask-RESTful library
  • implement the Flask-RESTful library to bundle parsing errors
  • include an image within a Django model
  • incorporate an image within a Django model
  • install Flask-RESTful and set up a virtual environment on macOS
  • install the curl utility and Flask-RESTful Python library and set up a virtual environment on a Windows machine
  • install the Django REST framework
  • install the Django REST framework and create a Django model to serve API requests
  • install the SQLAlchemy library, connect to a database, and insert records in the database
  • issue GET requests to your Django app and analyze the responses that are generated
  • list the use cases of Django templates, such as to create views, and identify their role in an application
  • migrate a Django model to a database
  • migrate a Django model to a database and register a model with the Django user administration site
  • outline the role of models in allowing programmatic manipulation of database tables
  • perform various select-from-where operations on the data stored as instances in a Django model class
  • recall the building blocks that Django provides to develop web applications
  • recognize important Django components that receive and process user requests
  • recognize the building blocks that Django provides to develop web applications
  • send data in a POST request using the request body
  • specify custom error messages for missing arguments using the Flask-RESTful library
  • use a request parser to parse input arguments sent in a request body
  • use the copy method to inherit from a predefined request parser via Flask-RESTful
  • use the dump_schema function to convert a schema object to a Python dictionary
  • use the Flask-RESTful library to bundle parsing errors
  • use the ListView view class to access all the data stored in a Django model class
  • use the ListView view class to access all the data stored in a Django model class as a list of records
  • use the load_schema function to convert a Python dictionary to a schema object and use the is_schema function to check whether an object is a schema instance
  • use the marshal() function, marshal_with, and data_class decorators\
  • use the marshal() function, marshal_with, and data_class decorators to serialize an object to JSON format
  • use the OpenAPIUIHandler class to generate a Swagger UI for your Molten application
  • wire up the methods to add and retrieve data with the MySQL database
  • wire up the method to delete data with the MySQL database


Final Exam: Building Restful Web Services with Python will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the Building Restful Web Services with Python track of the Skillsoft Aspire Pythonista to Python Master Journey.


Prerequisites: none

Flask-RESTful: Getting Started with Flask-RESTful to Build APIs

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Flask-RESTful: Getting Started with Flask-RESTful to Build APIs

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • install Flask-RESTful and set up a virtual environment on macOS
  • install the curl utility and Flask-RESTful Python library and set up a virtual environment on a Windows machine
  • create a basic REST API to return JSON data
  • implement methods to respond to GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE HTTP requests using the Flask-RESTful library
  • configure and register routes with URL path parameters using the Flask-RESTful library
  • demonstrate how URL path parameters work using the Flask-RESTful library
  • configure endpoints to facilitate using the same resource for multiple application routes
  • send data in a POST request using the request body
  • access data in the request body of an API server
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course


Flask-RESTful is the extension for Flask that contains functions and support you’ll use to develop REST APIs. Python developers will enjoy the ease and speed of a minimal set up before moving on to explore Flask-RESTful’s built-in template library. Using templates as a jumping off point during development is a great way to quickly and easily develop REST APIs, and it has the additional benefit of guiding you to consistently follow API development best practices.

In this course, you'll learn to set up your environment to build a RESTful API server. You'll install the Flask-RESTful libraries on Windows and macOS and you’ll also work with the CURL command-line utility to make API calls.

Next you'll implement a simple API server that responds to HTTP GET requests and then how to configure responses for GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests.

Moving on, you'll configure your API server to accept parameters as part of the URL path and send data to your server using the request body in POST requests.

Upon finishing this course, you'll be able to configure a simple API server using Flask-RESTful to respond to your HTTP requests.


Prerequisites: none

Flask-RESTful: Integrating the API Server with a MySQL Database

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Flask-RESTful: Integrating the API Server with a MySQL Database

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • implement a complete API server using Flask-RESTful, which responds to GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests
  • test create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations using Flask-RESTful
  • install and set up MySQL and MySQL Workbench on macOS
  • install and set up MySQL and MySQL Workbench on Windows
  • install the SQLAlchemy library, connect to a database, and insert records in the database
  • install the Advanced REST Client, an API testing tool to test APIs and validate responses
  • use the marshal() function, marshal_with, and data_class decorators to serialize an object to JSON format
  • wire up the methods to add and retrieve data with the MySQL database
  • wire up the method to update data with the MySQL database
  • wire up the method to delete data with the MySQL database
  • use the envelope parameters to structure the JSON response to the user
  • configure JSON responses with special display names
  • specify nested fields and URL paths within JSON responses
  • create custom fields in JSON responses
  • create custom error messages for specific error handling using MySQL Database and Flask-RESTful
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course


Learn more about Flask-RESTful, which connects to the ORM libraries you use to connect to your database.

You'll set up APIs to perform create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations. You'll then implement APIs using an in-memory dictionary before integrating them with a MySQL database back end. You’ll set up a MySQL database and work with MySQL Workbench. You'll install and use the Advanced REST Client.


Prerequisites: none

Flask-RESTful: Parsing & Validating Input Requests

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Flask-RESTful: Parsing & Validating Input Requests

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • use a request parser to parse input arguments sent in a request body
  • configure required parameters using the Flask-RESTful request parser
  • specify custom error messages for missing arguments using the Flask-RESTful library
  • implement methods to respond to GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE HTTP requests using the Flask-RESTful library
  • configure a Flask-RESTful request parser to parse arguments from different locations
  • use the copy method to inherit from a predefined request parser via Flask-RESTful
  • use the Flask-RESTful library to bundle parsing errors
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course


A major benefit when building REST APIs in Flask-RESTful, is unlimited access to use the built-in request parser any time you want to parse and validate input arguments to your API server. Python developers will find the flexibility and extensibility of Flask-RESTful very useful.

In this course, you'll learn to effectively use a request parser object to parse and extract input arguments from user requests. You'll validate input arguments using the right configuration before setting up custom help messages for the parser arguments.

Next, you'll examine how your request parser can look beyond the request body - in the query string, cookies, and other locations, for input arguments. You'll explore how to inherit from an existing parser object and how to modify a parser to suit your needs.

Finally, you'll investigate how to make errors returned by the parser more user-friendly by choosing to bundle them together to return as a group in a JSON response.


Prerequisites: none

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